Proposed rebuild of Thornton High School plans which includes the new school, parking, sports field, and CTE building.

Rebuild Thornton High School

Projected Cost: $236 million

Thornton High School is 50 years old and reaching the point of disrepair, negatively affecting the learning environment. It lacks ADA accessibility and has reached the end of its operational life.

Students and staff currently face multiple challenges due to the building’s age. Rebuilding this school would ensure that the school is a high-quality, functional learning environment for decades to come.

Thornton High School has many facility concerns, including:

  • Outdated wall structures, irrigation systems, HVAC and plumbing
  • Current school design isn’t conducive to a productive and engaging learning environment, due to smaller than normal classrooms, lack of natural light, inadequate heating and cooling controls, and lack of space for students to work in small groups.
  • Building configuration makes it hard to monitor hallways and doorways which creates safety and security concerns.
  • Building is not easily accessible due to its configuration (five levels). School restrooms do not meet ADA and building code standards.