Improve Nutrition Services

Projected Cost: $34.5 million

Nutrition Services operates in 48 sites across the district, serving breakfast and lunch to students at no cost.

  • District currently serves 6,900 breakfasts, and 17,500 lunches per day, which is a 70% increase in breakfast and a 30% increase in lunch since last school year.
  • The current site-to-site delivery model restricts vendor competition, jeopardizing the sustainability of our programs.
  • Kitchen models limit food options available to heat and serve, convenience foods sourced from national manufacturers.

Building a centralized food warehouse and scratch kitchen enables the district to offer a greater variety of food and save money.

  • A centralized warehouse would provide greater oversight and procurement of product specifications to meet student wants and needs at a lower operating cost.
  • A scratch kitchen facility would provide opportunities to offer local meat and produce products, increase menu creativity, and provide increased ingredient and allergen control through scratch made items.
  • The combination of the warehouse and kitchen facility would expand fresh menu offerings, produced on-site with increased menu variety.