Expand CTE and STEM Opportunities

Projected Cost $8.6 million

Career and technical education (CTE) opportunities are incredibly popular with students—so much so that most courses currently have a waitlist. A mill levy override would allow the district to expand this programming to more students than ever before, supporting a strong economy and preparing students for the future of their choosing especially in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

  • Introducing hands-on courses such as architectural design, aviation, and engineering equips students with skills aligned with emerging industries, preparing them for future success.
  • Adding more sections of in-demand classes to alleviate the current waitlists and provide greater access to specialized education for all students.
  • Bringing exploratory CTE classes to middle school grades would allow students to discover their interest in business/entrepreneurship, computer science/robotics/digital arts, family and consumer sciences, pre-engineering and construction trades before they reach high school.